A new shade of red

The garage has been standing since 2004, and as far as I can tell, it seemed to be sporting the original paint from that same year. It started to become real worn.

The south-facing wall was really bad, the paint had cracked several places, and was really matte. New paint was needed.
I do not have so many pictures of the job, but what I did was;

  • Paint the white parts by the roof
  • Paint the door (north-side) and the window (south-side)

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Valje Bike Rack

So, I needed to use the room in my annex a little more efficient, as you never will have enough space…

Since I have two bikes in there, it would be more space-efficient to have them on top of each other instead of wheel-to-wheel.
One easy to do way to achieve this was to just find some shelving Ls and throw the bike up. But I wanted a bit more finesse, and hopefully use the space even better.

Hello Ikea!

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Silencing the UPS

I bought a UPS a year back to use in the server rack.

What I did not think of was the noise level. I think I saw the specs and saw a fan, but didn’t think it would be spinning all the time, or to be so loud.
Well, I was wrong and the fan was a bit louder than I could accept.

First thing I tried was the easy one. I just swapped out the fan with another one I had, a Noctua. Known for their silence.
That worked for 5 minutes, after which the UPS decided the fan had stopped and turned itself off. The fan WAS running, though.
Apparently there must be an incompatibility with the RPM-sensors – perhaps.

Another solution was needed..

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New home made server rack

So I have had the current server rack for about a year now, and it has served its purpose well. But it was time for a new, better looking and more practical one.

I had planned this for a bit, size-wise, and ended up with something a bit lower, but deeper than the last one. Now nothing sticks out of the back anymore either.

Top and bottom being routed

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New fan-clutch on the 240

I’m doing some (much needed) maintenance work on the 240 these days, and one thing that has been a problem for the last couple of years is that is will overheat when idling/standing still.
Now, the thermostat was changed a few years ago so in my mind it should still be fine. And water does flow, so it seems to be working as it’s supposed to.
Also did consider the radiator, but hoped it was alright, since all is well temp-wise when driving.

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Non-working Dolce Gusto Circolo

I fancied some coffee from the capsule machine the other day, instead of using the brewer. Just wanted a quick cup, so no need to brew a whole litre.

Anyway, found the machine after it had been standing unused for 1.5 years-ish. Plugged it in and fed it water. As soon as I started it, it made a muffled sound instead of the normal ‘brewing-sound’. And no coffee came out. But all the water came out of the underside 😛

First I tried cleaning the injector, but to no avail. Still the same. So I figured it had to be something with the piping somewhere inside it.

Operation fix!

I required a set of torx-drivers, the security-type. Can’t remember the size, sorry.
Removed the backside:

Back cover removed, just 6 torx screws

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Swapping the entire groupset

It was finally time to try and swap all the parts for my groupset on my racer, a GT GTR Series 5. I like the bike and frame, but I was not happy with the drive train. I like (apparently, didn’t know that myself when I started with the road bike) to tackle uphills. But the ratio on the bike was on the heavier side, with 39/53T and 11-28T. I do not mind going slow up the slopes, but I would like to do them in one go without pauses 😛

So I bought a complete groupset to swap out all parts. I did this instead of buying the separate parts since this meant that all the components would fit together.
I’ve never really wrenched a bike before, so I had planned to send it all to the local bike shop, but figured I could try and see how much I could get done myself.
New groupset is a Shimano 105 5800, 34/50T  and 11-32T.

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Swapping brake calipers

…on the bike this time.

2014-07-31 18.15.52

When I bought my racing bike I wasn’t sure if I’d like that kind of biking, so I bought a used one without knowing anything about the drivetrain.
Turned out I really liked everything about the race bike style, so I’ve traversed quite some kilometers now. Anyway, the drivetrain could use some upgrades it turned out.
It came with a 53/39 front chainset and 11-28T rear cassette, 8-Speed. Turned out this makes it quite hard to tackle the uphills.

So I bought a new, complete groupset. The 105 5800 11-Speed. 50/34 front and 11-32T rear. Now the problem is I have no idea how to swap all the parts 😛

Except for the brake calipers, they seemed easy enough and didn’t require any special tools.

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