So, I needed to use the room in my annex a little more efficient, as you never will have enough space…
Since I have two bikes in there, it would be more space-efficient to have them on top of each other instead of wheel-to-wheel.
One easy to do way to achieve this was to just find some shelving Ls and throw the bike up. But I wanted a bit more finesse, and hopefully use the space even better.
Hello Ikea!
Ikea’s Valje is a wall shelf that’s assembled without any screws, you just press the parts together and hey-presto. A shelf!
I got the idea from, and involved some ‘hacking’.
First off:
I used a hole drill to make the markings on the shelf and then I drilled the hole…
Did the same on both sides, and then I used a normal hand saw to saw out the rest of it…
The insides of the shelf is like cardboard, so I used plaster to fill in the holes and sanded it down
So, could not find the 0,5mm thick rubber material I planned to use here, so I stuck some electrical tape on it in the meantime. This is to protect the frame on the bike…
Got the shelf on the wall, and the bike in the shelf.
Total cost:
Valje Shelf: 195 NOK ~ £15
… I had the rest of the materials already, so not too bad!